Field should be Disposed in TearDown or OneTimeTearDown method
Topic | Value |
Id | NUnit3004 |
Severity | Info |
Enabled | True |
Category | Suppressor |
Code | TypesThatOwnDisposableFieldsShouldBeDisposableSuppressor |
Field/Property is Disposed in TearDown or OneTimeTearDown method
The Roslyn analyzer fires
for classes that have
members, but itself is not
Many NUnit tests initialize fields in tests or a SetUp
method and then Dispose
them in the TearDown
How to fix violations
Ensure that all IDisposable
fields have a Dispose
call in the TearDown
Configure severity
The rule has no severity, but can be disabled.
Via ruleset file
To disable the rule for a project, you need to add a ruleset file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RuleSet Name="NUnit.Analyzer Suppressions" Description="DiagnosticSuppression Rules" ToolsVersion="12.0">
<Rules AnalyzerId="DiagnosticSuppressors" RuleNamespace="NUnit.NUnitAnalyzers">
<Rule Id="NUnit3001" Action="Info" /> <!-- Possible Null Reference -->
<Rule Id="NUnit3002" Action="Info" /> <!-- NonNullableField/Property is Uninitialized -->
<Rule Id="NUnit3003" Action="Info" /> <!-- Avoid Uninstantiated Internal Classes -->
<Rule Id="NUnit3004" Action="Info" /> <!-- Types that own disposable fields should be disposable -->
and add it to the project like:
For more info about rulesets see MSDN.
Via .editorconfig file
This is currently not working. Waiting for Roslyn
# NUnit3004: Field should be Disposed in TearDown or OneTimeTearDown method
dotnet_diagnostic.NUnit3004.severity = none