NUnitLite Options
The NUnitLite runner is invoked by executing the test program. If desired, any of the following options may be specified:
Option | Description |
--test=NAMES |
Comma-separated list of NAMES of tests to run or explore. This option may be repeated. |
--testlist=PATH |
File PATH containing a list of tests to run, one per line. This option may be repeated. |
--prefilter=NAMES |
Comma-separated list of NAMES of test classes or namespaces to be loaded. This option may be repeated. |
--where=EXPRESSION |
Test selection EXPRESSION indicating what tests will be run. |
--params, -p=VALUE |
Define a test parameter. |
--timeout=MILLISECONDS |
Set timeout for each test case in MILLISECONDS. |
--seed=SEED |
Set the random SEED used to generate test cases. |
--workers=NUMBER |
Specify the NUMBER of worker threads to be used in running tests. If not specified, defaults to 2 or the number of processors, whichever is greater. |
--stoponerror |
Stop run immediately upon any test failure or error. |
--wait |
Wait for input before closing console window. |
--work=PATH |
PATH of the directory to use for output files. If not specified, defaults to the current directory. |
--output , --out=PATH |
File PATH to contain text output from the tests. |
--err=PATH |
File PATH to contain error output from the tests. |
--result=SPEC |
An output SPEC for saving the test results. This option may be repeated. |
--explore[=SPEC] |
Display or save test info rather than running tests. Optionally provide an output SPEC for saving the test info. This option may be repeated. |
--noresult |
Don't save any test results. |
--labels=VALUE |
Specify whether to write test case names to the output. Values: Off , On , All |
--test-name-format=VALUE |
Non-standard naming pattern to use in generating test names. |
--teamcity |
Turns on use of TeamCity service messages. |
--trace=LEVEL |
Set internal trace LEVEL. Values: Off , Error , Warning , Info , Verbose (Debug) |
--noheader , --noh |
Suppress display of program information at start of run. |
--nocolor , --noc |
Displays console output without color. |
--help , -h |
Display this message and exit. |
--version , -V |
Display the header and exit. |
By default, this command runs the tests contained in the
assemblies and projects specified. If the --explore
is used, no tests are executed but a description of the tests
is saved in the specified or default format.
Test Selection
Several options allow selection of a subset of the tests in an assembly for execution or display.
The --prefilter
option operates first. If specified, it
limits the classes, which NUnit will examine to find tests.
Classes not included are simply ignored and the other two
selection options never even see them.
The --where
option introduces a where clause, the most flexible
but also the most complex way to introduce tests. See the documentation of
Test SelectionLanguage
for details.
The --test
and testlist
options allow selecting individual
tests by name. The list of tests selected is joined to any --where
clause you provide by a logical and
operation. That is, if both
and --where
are specified, both must be satisfied by
a test in order for it to run.
XML Output
Several options that specify processing of XML output take an output specification as a value. A SPEC may take one of the following forms:
Be aware that the semicolon (;) might need escaping in some terminals.
The --result
option may use any of the following formats:
- the native XML format for NUnit 3.0nunit2
- legacy XML format used by earlier releases of NUnit
The --explore
option may use any of the following formats:
- the native XML format for NUnit 3.0cases
- a text file listing the full names of all test cases.
If --explore
is used without any specification following, a list of
test cases is output to the console.
If none of the options (--result
, --explore
, --noxml
) is used,
NUnit saves the results to TestResult.xml
in nunit3 format.